Petal Health

Company Information

Size of company
Small- or medium-sized company

Industry Sector (check all applicable)
  • Health Tech
  • Software

Area of Specialization (check all applicable)
  • Clinics/Hospitals/Pharmacy Systems
  • Digital Health
  • SaaS (software as a service)

Are you a eCommerce North Accelerator applicant?
Not provided

Contact Name
Francois Chevrette


Describe your company's current technology and solutions
As a Canadian leader in digital health, Petal develops innovative, cloud-based solutions that simplify the lives of physicians, improve the efficiency of healthcare facilities and streamline access to care.

In 2010, Petal launched a revolutionary physician scheduling solution that was quickly adopted by hundreds and then thousands of medical specialists across Canada. The importance we placed on the voice of physicians allowed Petal to access in-depth knowledge of healthcare productivity issues, as well as to acquire unique expertise.

Today, the company uses cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, to save precious time for various stakeholders in the health sector, including doctors, administrative staff and managers of health care facilities. These SaaS type solutions are hosted in the ‘cloud', which makes it possible to centralize data, so that it is available anytime.

With more than 50,000 users in over 250 healthcare facilities across Canada and Europe, the solutions developed by Petal optimize the management of medical activities while facilitating access to care.

Customer References
Not provided

Solution Videos (Add Link)

Presentations (Add Link)

Which standards does your company comply with?
Not provided

Which standards is your company certified in?
Not provided

Diversity and Inclusion

Is your company minority-led or minority-owned?
Not provided

Are you certified by an accreditation body (e.g. WBE, CAMSC, CGLCC)?
Not provided

Is your business at least 51% owned or led by women?

Is your business at least 51% owned or led by visible minorities?
Not provided

Is your business at least 51% owned or led by persons with disabilities?
Not provided

Is your business an Indigenous business?
Not provided

Workforce Development Initiatives

Are you considering remote work for your employees?

Do you provide apprenticeship opportunities for displaced workers?

Are you interested in exploring reskilling or upskilling in emerging technologies?

Do you have a need for / interest in hiring a coop/intern student?
Yes, immediately