Oracle Canada ULC

Ottawa, Canada
Randy Whitcroft, Cloud & Technology Sales Director

Company Information

Size of company

Industry Sector (check all applicable)
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Consulting/IT Services

Area of Specialization (check all applicable)
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Big Data (Data Governance/Data Science & Analytics)
  • Cloud/Infrastructure
  • Cryptocurrency/Blockchain
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Storage Encryption Technology
  • HRtech
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Marketing Tech
  • Mobile
  • SaaS (software as a service)
  • Supply Chain and Logistics
  • Symptom Checking and Testing

Are you a eCommerce North Accelerator applicant?
Not provided

Company Website
Not provided

Twitter Handle
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LinkedIn Profile
Not provided

Contact Name
Not provided

Not provided

Describe your company's current technology and solutions
For more than four decades, Oracle has delivered innovation upon which entire industries have been built. Oracle offers both on premise solutions as well as public, private, and hybrid cloud solutions. We hold Protected B cloud contracts with Shared Services Canada as well as with several provincial governments. Some of our main technology solutions are: Application Server, Databases, Database Management Tools, Data Warehouse, Big Data, Analytics, Data Science, Engineered Systems and Integrated Platforms, Middleware, Applications Development and Deployment, Business Software, Financial Management, Applications Platforms, Enterprise Performance Management, Human Capital and Talent Management, Inventory Management, Logistics, Lead Management/Marketing Automation, and Project and Portfolio Management.

Customer References
Not provided

Solution Videos (Add Link)
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Presentations (Add Link)
Not provided

Which standards does your company comply with?
Not provided

Which standards is your company certified in?
Not provided

Diversity and Inclusion

Is your company minority-led or minority-owned?
Not provided

Are you certified by an accreditation body (e.g. WBE, CAMSC, CGLCC)?
Not provided

Is your business at least 51% owned or led by women?
Not provided

Is your business at least 51% owned or led by visible minorities?
Not provided

Is your business at least 51% owned or led by persons with disabilities?
Not provided

Is your business an Indigenous business?
Not provided

Workforce Development Initiatives

Are you considering remote work for your employees?
Not provided

Do you provide apprenticeship opportunities for displaced workers?
Not provided

Are you interested in exploring reskilling or upskilling in emerging technologies?
Not provided

Do you have a need for / interest in hiring a coop/intern student?
Not at this time